laue_dials.algorithms namespace
laue_dials.algorithms.diffgeo module
This file contains useful functions for diffraction geometry calculations
- laue_dials.algorithms.diffgeo.align_hkls(reference, target, spacegroup, anomalous=True)[source]
Use the point group operators in spacegroup to align target hkls to reference.
- Parameters:
reference (np.array) – n x 3 array of miller indices.
target (np.array) – n x 3 array of miller indices.
spacegroup (gemmi.Spacegroup) – The space group of reference/target.
anomalous (bool, optional) – If true, test Friedel symmetries too.
- Returns:
n x 3 array of miller indices equivalent to target.
- Return type:
aligned (np.array)
- laue_dials.algorithms.diffgeo.get_UB_matrices(A)[source]
Convert the reciprocal space indexing matrix, A into the product of an orthogonal matrix U and a lower triangular matrix B.
- Parameters:
A (np.array) – A 3x3 indexing matrix such that the scattering vector S1-S0=Q=A@h.
- Returns:
An orthogonal 3x3 matrix with the crystal U matrix. B (np.array): A 3x3 lower triangular matrix for the crystal B matrix.
- Return type:
U (np.array)
- laue_dials.algorithms.diffgeo.hkl2ray(hkl, wavelength=None)[source]
Convert a miller index to the shortest member of its central ray. Optionally, adjust its wavelength accordingly.
- Parameters:
hkl (np.array) – n x 3 array of miller indices. The dtype must be interpretable as an integer.
wavelength (Optional[np.array]) – Length n array of wavelengths corresponding to each miller index.
- Returns:
The miller index of the shortest vector on the same central ray as the original hkl. reduced_wavelength (Optional[np.array]): The wavelengths corresponding to reduced_hkl.
- Return type:
reduced_hkl (np.array)
- laue_dials.algorithms.diffgeo.is_ray_equivalent(hkl1, hkl2)[source]
Test for equivalency between two miller indices in a Laue experiment. Returns a boolean array for each of the n hkls in hkl{1,2}.
- Parameters:
hkl1 (np.array) – n x 3 array of miller indices. The dtype must be interpretable as an integer.
hkl2 (np.array) – n x 3 array of miller indices. The dtype must be interpretable as an integer.
- Returns:
Boolean array for hkl equivalency by index from original arrays.
- Return type:
equal_hkl (np.array)
- laue_dials.algorithms.diffgeo.mat_to_rot_xyz(R, deg=True)[source]
Decompose a rotation matrix into euler angles.
- Parameters:
R (np.array) – 3 x 3 rotation matrix.
deg (Optional[bool]) – If True, angles are returned in degrees.
- Returns:
Euler angle around x-axis to generate rotation matrix. rot_y (float): Euler angle around y-axis to generate rotation matrix. rot_z (float): Euler angle around z-axis to generate rotation matrix.
- Return type:
rot_x (float)
- laue_dials.algorithms.diffgeo.normalize(A)[source]
Normalize the last dimension of an array by dividing by its L2 norm.
- Parameters:
A (np.array) – A non-normal matrix.
- Returns:
A normalized matrix.
- Return type:
A (np.array)
- laue_dials.algorithms.diffgeo.orthogonalization(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)[source]
Compute the orthogonalization matrix from cell params.
- Parameters:
a (float) – Floats representing the magnitudes of the three unit cell axes.
b (float) – Floats representing the magnitudes of the three unit cell axes.
c (float) – Floats representing the magnitudes of the three unit cell axes.
alpha (float) – Floats representing the three unit cell angles.
beta (float) – Floats representing the three unit cell angles.
gamma (float) – Floats representing the three unit cell angles.
- Returns:
3 x 3 orthogonalization matrix for unit cell.
- Return type:
orthogonalization_matrix (np.array)
laue_dials.algorithms.integration module
This file contains useful classes and functions for profiling and integration
- class laue_dials.algorithms.integration.Profile(x, y, counts, cen_x=None, cen_y=None, fg_cutoff=1.0, bg_cutoff=3.0, minfrac=0.1, eps=1e-05, frac_step_size=0.5)[source]
- property background
Get the background.
- Returns:
Background values.
- Return type:
- property difference_vectors
Get the difference vectors.
- Returns:
Difference vectors.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_dataframe(df, x_key='dx', y_key='dy', count_key='counts', **kwargs)[source]
Create a Profile instance from a DataFrame.
- update_background_plane(alpha=0.9)[source]
Update the background plane.
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Alpha value for updating slope and intercept.
laue_dials.algorithms.laue module
Classes and functions for Laue-specific processes.
- class laue_dials.algorithms.laue.LaueAssigner(s0, s1, cell, R, lam_min, lam_max, lam_peak, dmin, spacegroup='1')[source]
An object to assign miller indices to a laue still
- property H
The Miller indices for inlying reflections.
- Type:
- assign()[source]
Assign miller indices to the inlier reflections.
This method updates the following attributes: - self.H: Miller indices associated with the assigned reflections. - self.wav: Wavelengths associated with the assigned reflections. - self.qpred: Predicted scattering vectors associated with the assigned reflections. - self.harmonics: Boolean array indicating whether the assigned reflections are harmonics.
The assignment is performed by solving the linear sum assignment problem using scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment. The cost matrix is computed based on the angular distance between observed and predicted scattering vectors.
The feasible set of reflections is determined from the reciprocal lattice points within the specified geometry. Reflections with duplicated scattering vectors are removed, and then the assignment is performed.
This method is essential for updating the information of assigned reflections, allowing subsequent steps in Laue indexing procedures to utilize the assigned miller indices and associated parameters.
- property harmonics
Boolean array indicating whether inlying reflections correspond to harmonic reflections.
- Type:
- property qobs
The observed q vectors for inlying reflections.
- Type:
- property qpred
The predicted q vectors for inlying reflections.
- Type:
- reject_outliers(nstd=10.0)[source]
Update the list of inliers based on robust statistical measures.
- Parameters:
nstd (float) – Number of standard deviations from the median to consider as inliers.
This method uses Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) to robustly estimate the covariance matrix of the concatenated observed and predicted q vectors. It then considers inliers as the points within a specified number of standard deviations from the median Mahalanobis distance.
The list of inliers is updated accordingly.
- property s1
The normalized direction of the scattered beam wavevector for inlying reflections.
- Type:
- set_H(H)[source]
Set the Miller indices for inlying reflections.
- Parameters:
H (np.ndarray) – Miller indices.
- set_harmonics(harmonics)[source]
Set whether inlying reflections correspond to harmonics.
- Parameters:
harmonics (np.ndarray) – Boolean array indicating harmonics.
- set_inliers(inliers)[source]
Set the inliers for the current set of reflections.
- Parameters:
inliers (np.ndarray) – Boolean array indicating inliers.
- set_qpred(qpred)[source]
Set the predicted q vectors for inlying reflections.
- Parameters:
qpred (np.ndarray) – Predicted q vectors.
- set_wav(wav)[source]
Set the wavelengths for inlying reflections.
- Parameters:
wav (np.ndarray) – Wavelengths.
- property wav
The wavelengths associated with inlying reflections.
- Type:
- class laue_dials.algorithms.laue.LaueBase(s0, cell, R, lam_min, lam_max, dmin, spacegroup='1')[source]
A base class to be extended for Laue procedures
- property RB
Calculates the product RB.
- Returns:
The product of the rotation matrix (R) and the fractionalization matrix (B).
- Return type:
- class laue_dials.algorithms.laue.LauePredictor(s0, cell, R, lam_min, lam_max, dmin, spacegroup='1')[source]
An object to predict spots given a Laue experiment.
- predict_s1(delete_harmonics=False)[source]
Predicts scattering vectors and associated parameters for feasible Laue spots.
- Parameters:
delete_harmonics (Optional[bool]) – If True, removes harmonic reflections from the prediction.
- Returns:
Predicted feasible scattering vectors. lams (np.ndarray): Wavelengths associated with the predicted scattering vectors. qall (np.ndarray): Q vectors associated with the predicted scattering vectors. Hall (np.ndarray): Miller indices associated with the predicted scattering vectors.
- Return type:
s1_pred (np.ndarray)
This method predicts scattering vectors for feasible spots given the current Laue experiment’s geometry. The feasible set of reflections is determined within the specified geometry, and the scattering vectors are predicted.
If delete_harmonics is True, harmonic reflections are removed from the prediction. Harmonics are identified based on duplicated scattering vectors in the reciprocal lattice.
The returned arrays provide essential information about the predicted scattering vectors and associated parameters, allowing further analysis and utilization in Laue indexing procedures.
- laue_dials.algorithms.laue.gen_beam_models(expts, refls)[source]
A function for generating beam models according to wavelengths in a reflection table.
- Parameters:
expts (ExperimentList) – ExperimentList to insert beams into.
refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table) – A reflection_table containing wavelengths for beam models.
- Returns:
ExperimentList with additional beam models and adjusted identifiers. refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table): A reflection table with updated identifiers.
- Return type:
new_expts (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList)
- laue_dials.algorithms.laue.remove_beam_models(expts, new_id)[source]
A function for removing beam models no longer needed after refinement.
- Parameters:
expts (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList) – ExperimentList to remove beams from.
new_id (int) – ID to assign to the final experiment.
- Returns:
An ExperimentList with an experiment per image, all sharing a beam.
- Return type:
new_expts (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList)
- laue_dials.algorithms.laue.store_wavelengths(expts, refls)[source]
A function for storing wavelength data in beam objects in the reflection table.
- Parameters:
expts (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList) – ExperimentList to retrieve wavelengths from.
refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table) – A reflection_table to store wavelengths in.
- Returns:
A reflection_table with updated wavelengths.
- Return type:
new_refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table)
laue_dials.algorithms.monochromatic module
This file contains functions for monochromatic processing
- laue_dials.algorithms.monochromatic.find_spots(params, expts)[source]
Find strong reflections on images given a set of experiments.
- Parameters:
params (libtbx.phil.scope_extract) – A phil scope extract containing the parameters for the DIALS spotfinding code.
expts (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList) – A list of experiment objects.
- Returns:
A reflection table containing the found strong reflections.
- Return type:
refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table)
- laue_dials.algorithms.monochromatic.initial_index(params, expts, refls)[source]
Indexes a dataset at a single wavelength using FFT3D.
- Parameters:
params (libtbx.phil.scope_extract) – A phil scope extract containing the parameters for the DIALS indexing code.
expts (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList) – A list of imported experiment objects.
refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table) – A reflection table containing strong reflections.
- Returns:
An ExperimentList containing the indexing solution geometry. refls_indexed (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table): A reflection table containing reflections with indexed data.
- Return type:
expts_indexed (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList)
- laue_dials.algorithms.monochromatic.scan_varying_refine(params, expts, refls)[source]
Performs scan-varying geometric refinement over a sequence of images.
- Parameters:
params (phil) – A phil scope containing the needed input for dials.refine.
expts (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList) – A list of experiment objects.
refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table) – A reflection table containing strong reflections.
- Returns:
An ExperimentList containing the refined geometric solution. refls_refined (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table): A reflection table containing reflections with refined data.
- Return type:
expts_refined (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList)
laue_dials.algorithms.outliers module
Outlier rejection functions.
- laue_dials.algorithms.outliers.gen_kde(elist, refls)[source]
Train a Gaussian Kernel Density Estimator (KDE) on 1/d^2 and wavelengths of submitted strong spots.
- Parameters:
elist (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList) – The list of experiment objects.
refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table) – The reflection table containing strong spots.
- Returns:
The normalized resolutions (1/d^2) of the strong spots. lams (np.ndarray): The wavelengths of the strong spots. kde (scipy.stats.gaussian_kde): The trained Gaussian KDE model.
- Return type:
normalized_resolution (np.ndarray)
Harmonic reflections are removed from consideration before training the KDE.