Source code for laue_dials.algorithms.integration

This file contains useful classes and functions for profiling and integration

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

[docs] class Profile: def __init__( self, x, y, counts, cen_x=None, cen_y=None, fg_cutoff=1.0, bg_cutoff=3.0, minfrac=0.10, eps=1e-5, frac_step_size=0.50, ): """ Initialize a Profile instance. Parameters: x (np.array): x-coordinates. y (np.array): y-coordinates. counts (np.array): Counts associated with each coordinate. cen_x (Optional[np.array]): Center x-coordinate. cen_y (Optional[np.array]): Center y-coordinate. fg_cutoff (float): Foreground cutoff value. bg_cutoff (float): Background cutoff value. minfrac (float): Minimum fraction of pixels in a profile. eps (float): Small positive epsilon value to remove negative intensities. frac_step_size (float): Fractional step size for fitting iterations. """ self.frac_step_size = frac_step_size self.eps = eps self.minfrac = minfrac self.fg_cutoff = fg_cutoff self.bg_cutoff = bg_cutoff self.counts = counts self.fg_mask = np.ones_like(counts, dtype=bool) self.bg_mask = np.ones_like(counts, dtype=bool) self.x = x self.y = y self.cen_x = cen_x if self.cen_x is None: self.cen_x = np.average(self.x, weights=self.counts) self.cen_y = cen_y if self.cen_y is None: self.cen_y = np.average(self.y, weights=self.counts) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.scale = np.cov(self.difference_vectors.T, aweights=counts) self.slope = np.zeros(2) self.intercept = 0.0 self.update_mask()
[docs] def set_profile_params(self, scale, slope, intercept, cen_x, cen_y): """ Set profile parameters. Parameters: scale (np.array): Scaling factor. slope (np.array): Slope of the profile. intercept (float): Intercept value. cen_x (np.array): Center x-coordinate. cen_y (np.array): Center y-coordinate. Returns: self (Profile): Updated Profile instance. """ self.scale = scale self.slope = slope self.intercept = intercept self.cen_x = cen_x self.cen_y = cen_y self.update_mask() self.update_background_plane() self.integrate() return self
[docs] def fit(self, nsteps=5): """ Fit the profile. Parameters: nsteps (int): Number of fitting steps. """ self.success = True for i in range(nsteps): try: self.update_background_plane(alpha=self.frac_step_size) self.update_profile(alpha=self.frac_step_size) self.update_mask() except np.linalg.LinAlgError: self.success = False break
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, df, x_key="dx", y_key="dy", count_key="counts", **kwargs): """ Create a Profile instance from a DataFrame. Parameters: df (pd.DataFrame): Input DataFrame. x_key (str): x-coordinate column name. y_key (str): y-coordinate column name. count_key (str): Counts column name. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: Profile: Created Profile instance. """ x = df[x_key].astype("float32") y = df[y_key].astype("float32") counts = df[count_key].astype("float32") return cls(x, y, counts, **kwargs)
@property def difference_vectors(self): """ Get the difference vectors. Returns: np.array: Difference vectors. """ return np.column_stack((self.x - self.cen_x, self.y - self.cen_y)) @property def background(self): """ Get the background. Returns: np.array: Background values. """ return self.difference_vectors @ self.slope + self.intercept
[docs] def update_mask(self, fg_cutoff=None, bg_cutoff=None): """ Update the mask. Parameters: fg_cutoff (Optional[float]): Foreground cutoff value. bg_cutoff (Optional[float]): Background cutoff value. """ if fg_cutoff is None: fg_cutoff = self.fg_cutoff if bg_cutoff is None: bg_cutoff = self.bg_cutoff dx = self.difference_vectors try: Z = np.sqrt( np.squeeze( dx[..., None, :] @ np.linalg.pinv(self.scale) @ dx[..., :, None] ) ) except: print( "SVD failed to converge. Mask could not be updated. Skipping reflection." ) self.success = False return self.fg_mask = Z <= fg_cutoff self.bg_mask = Z >= bg_cutoff # There must be _some_ pixels in each group otherwise numerical issues happen minpix = np.round(len(self.counts) * self.minfrac).astype("int") zorder = np.argsort(Z) try: self.fg_mask[zorder[:minpix]] = True self.bg_mask[zorder[:minpix]] = False self.bg_mask[zorder[-minpix:]] = True self.fg_mask[zorder[-minpix:]] = False except: print("Spot has 1 or fewer pixels.") self.success = False return
[docs] def update_background_plane(self, alpha=0.9): """ Update the background plane. Parameters: alpha (float): Alpha value for updating slope and intercept. """ y = self.counts X = np.pad(self.difference_vectors, [[0, 0], [0, 1]], constant_values=1.0) weights = np.reciprocal(self.counts) # Inverse variance poisson because #stats weights = weights * (self.bg_mask).astype("float") weights = weights / weights.mean() beta = ( np.linalg.pinv(X.T @ np.diag(weights) @ X) @ X.T @ (y * weights) ) # if desperate, break glass slope = beta[:2] intercept = beta[2] self.slope = (1.0 - alpha) * self.slope + alpha * slope self.intercept = (1.0 - alpha) * self.intercept + alpha * intercept
[docs] def update_profile(self, alpha=0.9): """ Update the profile. Parameters: alpha (float): Alpha value for updating scale factor and profile centroid. """ weights = self.counts - self.background weights = np.maximum( weights, self.eps ) # These can be negative so we need to make them > zero(ish) weights = weights * self.fg_mask weights = weights / weights.mean() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") scale = np.cov(self.difference_vectors.T, aweights=weights) cen_x = np.average(self.x, weights=weights) cen_y = np.average(self.y, weights=weights) self.scale = (1.0 - alpha) * self.scale + alpha * scale self.cen_x = (1.0 - alpha) * self.cen_x + alpha * cen_x self.cen_y = (1.0 - alpha) * self.cen_y + alpha * cen_y
[docs] def integrate(self): """Integrate the profile.""" bg = self.background self.I = ((self.counts - bg) * self.fg_mask).sum() self.SigI = np.sqrt(((self.counts + bg) * self.fg_mask).sum())
[docs] class SegmentedImage: def __init__(self, pixels, centroids, radius=20): """ Initialize a SegmentedImage instance. Parameters: pixels (np.array): Pixel values. centroids (np.array): Centroids of the pixels. radius (int): Radius value. """ super().__init__() self.radius = radius pixels = np.array(pixels).astype("float32") x, y = np.indices(pixels.shape) xy = np.dstack(np.indices(pixels.shape)).astype("float32")[:, :, ::-1] k = KDTree(centroids) distance, labels = k.query(xy) distance = distance.astype("float32") distance_vectors = centroids[labels] - xy mask = (distance <= radius) & (pixels > 0) = pd.DataFrame( { "x": xy[mask][:, 0].astype("int"), "y": xy[mask][:, 1].astype("int"), "counts": pixels[mask], "label": labels[mask], "distance": distance[mask], "dx": distance_vectors[mask][:, 0], "dy": distance_vectors[mask][:, 1], "cen_x": centroids[labels[mask], 0], "cen_y": centroids[labels[mask], 1], } ) self.profiles ="label").apply(Profile.from_dataframe) [ for p in self.profiles] [p.integrate() for p in self.profiles] self.scale = np.stack([p.scale for p in self.profiles]) self.loc = np.stack([(p.cen_x, p.cen_y) for p in self.profiles]) g ="label") idx = np.unique( idy = np.arange(len(centroids)) idx = np.isin(idy, idx) self.used_reflections = idx self.bboxes = np.column_stack( [ g.min().x, g.max().x + 1, g.min().y, g.max().y + 1, ] ) self.pixels = pixels self.centroids = centroids[np.unique(] self.labels = labels self.distance = distance self.distance_vectors = distance_vectors
[docs] def integrate(self, isigi_cutoff=2.0, knn=5): """ Integrate the SegmentedImage. Parameters: isigi_cutoff (float): I/SIGI cutoff value. knn (int): Number of nearest neighbors. Returns: strong_idx (np.array): Strong indices. """ # Implement k nearest-neighbors for weak spots to average profile params from nearby strong spots strong_idx = np.array( [i for i, p in enumerate(self.profiles) if p.I / p.SigI > isigi_cutoff] ) strong_centroids = self.centroids[strong_idx] for i, p in enumerate(self.profiles): scale = np.zeros_like(p.scale) slope = np.zeros_like(p.slope) intercept = np.zeros_like(p.intercept) cen_x = np.zeros_like(p.cen_x) cen_y = np.zeros_like(p.cen_y) # Average over the knn profiles for idx in strong_idx[ np.argsort( np.linalg.norm(strong_centroids - self.centroids[i], axis=-1) ) ][:knn]: nearest_neighbor = self.profiles.iloc[idx] scale += nearest_neighbor.scale / knn slope += nearest_neighbor.slope / knn intercept += nearest_neighbor.intercept / knn cen_x += nearest_neighbor.cen_x / knn cen_y += nearest_neighbor.cen_y / knn p.set_profile_params( scale, slope, intercept, cen_x, cen_y, ) self.scale = np.stack([p.scale for p in self.profiles]) self.loc = np.stack([(p.cen_x, p.cen_y) for p in self.profiles]) return strong_idx