Other miscellaneous utilites
Run CCP4’s scaleit on the given data.
usage: rs.scaleit [-h] -r ref data_col sig_col -i mtz data_col sig_col
[-o OUTFILE] [--ignore-isomorphism]
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -r <ref> <data_col> <sig_col>, --refmtz <ref> <data_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be used as reference for scaling using given data columns. Specified as (filename, F, SigF) or (filename, I, SigI)
- -i <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>, --inputmtz <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be scaled to reference using given data columns. Specified as (filename, F, SigF) or (filename, I, SigI)
- -o <outfile>, --outfile <outfile>
MTZ file to which scaleit output will be written
- --ignore-isomorphism
Allow poorly isomorphous inputs to be scaled. By default (no flag) poorly isomorphous inputs will raise an error.
Convert precognition ingegration results to .mtz files for mergning in Careless.
usage: rs.precog2mtz [-h] [--remove-sys-absences]
[--spacegroup-for-absences SPACEGROUP_FOR_ABSENCES]
ii_in [ii_in ...]
- ii_in
Precognition .ii file(s)
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --remove-sys-absences
Optionally remove systematic absences from the data according to –spacegroup or –spacegroup-for-absences if supplied.
- --spacegroup-for-absences <spacegroup_for_absences>
Optionally use a different spacegroup to compute systematic absences. This may be useful for some EF-X data.
- --spacegroup <spacegroup>
The spacegroup of the data
- --cell <cell>
The unit cell supplied as six floats. For example, –spacegroup 34. 45. 98. 90. 90. 90.
- -o <mtz_out>, --mtz-out <mtz_out>
Name of the output mtz file.
Create an mtz containing rfree flags
usage: rs.rfree [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-f FROM_FILE] [-c a b c alpha beta gamma]
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -o <outfile>, --outfile <outfile>
Output MTZ filename
- -f <from_file>, --from-file <from_file>
Use the cell and spacegroup from the specified mtz file. Either this or –cell and –spacegroup must be provided. If no –dmin is provided, dmin will be inferred from this file.
- -c <a> <b> <c> <alpha> <beta> <gamma>, --cell <a> <b> <c> <alpha> <beta> <gamma>
Cell for output mtz file containing rfree flags. Specified as (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)
- -sg <spacegroup>, --spacegroup <spacegroup>
Spacegroup for output mtz file containing rfree flags
- -d <dmin>, --dmin <dmin>
Maximum resolution of reflections to be included
- -r <rfraction>, --rfraction <rfraction>
Fraction of reflections to be flagged as Rfree
- -s <seed>, --seed <seed>
Seed to random number generator for reproducible Rfree flags
Run CCP4’s scaleit on the given data.
usage: rs.scaleit [-h] -r ref data_col sig_col -i mtz data_col sig_col
[-o OUTFILE] [--ignore-isomorphism]
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -r <ref> <data_col> <sig_col>, --refmtz <ref> <data_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be used as reference for scaling using given data columns. Specified as (filename, F, SigF) or (filename, I, SigI)
- -i <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>, --inputmtz <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be scaled to reference using given data columns. Specified as (filename, F, SigF) or (filename, I, SigI)
- -o <outfile>, --outfile <outfile>
MTZ file to which scaleit output will be written
- --ignore-isomorphism
Allow poorly isomorphous inputs to be scaled. By default (no flag) poorly isomorphous inputs will raise an error.
Make extrapolated structure factors for refinement.
with reference:
F_{esf} = f * (F_{on} - F_{off}) + F_{ref} SigF_{esf} = sqrt( ( (f**2)*(SigF_{on}**2) ) + ( (f**2)*(SigF_{off}**2) ) + (SigF_{ref}**2))
with calc:
F_{esf} = f * (F_{on} - F_{off}) + F_{calc} SigF_{esf} = sqrt( ( (f**2)*(SigF_{on}**2) ) + ( (f**2)*(SigF_{off}**2) ) )
where f, is the extrapolation factor.
F_{off} and F_{calc} can be the same MTZ file, as done in Hekstra et al, Nature (2016). In that case, the equation for SigF_{esf} is adjusted to use (f-1)**2 for SigF_{off} to avoid double-counting in the error propagation.
At most one of F_{ref} and F_{calc} can be specified. If neither is specified, F_{calc} will be set to F_{off}.
After computing |F_{esf}|, any negative structure factor amplitudes are converted to positive values. This is to ensure that they are handled correctly downstream in phenix, and because they are technically amplitudes of complex numbers and the phase should just be flipped by 180 degrees.
usage: rs.extrapolate [-h] -on mtz f_col sig_col -off mtz data_col sig_col
[-calc mtz data_col] [-ref mtz data_col sig_col]
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -on <mtz> <f_col> <sig_col>, --onmtz <mtz> <f_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be used as on data. Specified as (filename, F, SigF)
- -off <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>, --offmtz <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be used as off data. Specified as (filename, F, SigF)
- -calc <mtz> <data_col>, --calcmtz <mtz> <data_col>
MTZ to be used as calc data. Specified as (filename, F). At most one of -calc and -ref can be specified.
- -ref <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>, --refmtz <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be used as ref data. Specified as (filename, F, SigF). At most one of -calc and -ref can be specified.
- -f <factor>, --factor <factor>
Extrapolation factor
- -o <outfile>, --outfile <outfile>
Output MTZ filename