Map utilities
Making difference maps
Make an internal difference map using the given symmetry operation
usage: rs.internal_diffmap [-h] -i mtz data_col sig_col -r ref phi_col -op
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -i <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>, --inputmtz <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be used for internal difference map. Specified as (filename, F, SigF)
- -r <ref> <phi_col>, --refmtz <ref> <phi_col>
MTZ containing isomorphous phases to be used. Specified as (filename, Phi).
- -op <symop>, --symop <symop>
Symmetry operation to use to compute internal difference map. Can be given as ISYM if used with a spacegroup argument.
- -a <alpha>, --alpha <alpha>
alpha value for computing difference map weights (default=0.0)
- -d <dmax>, --dmax <dmax>
If set, dmax to truncate difference map
- -sg <spacegroup>, --spacegroup <spacegroup>
Spacegroup to use for symmetry operation (only necessary if op specifies an ISYM).
- -o <outfile>, --outfile <outfile>
Output MTZ filename
Make an ordinary difference map between columns of data.
The naming convention chosen for inputs is on and off, such that the generated differrence map will be |F_on| - |F_off|.
usage: rs.diffmap [-h] -on mtz data_col sig_col -off mtz data_col sig_col -r
ref phi_col [-a ALPHA] [-d DMAX] [-o OUTFILE]
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -on <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>, --onmtz <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be used as on data. Specified as (filename, F, SigF)
- -off <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>, --offmtz <mtz> <data_col> <sig_col>
MTZ to be used as off data. Specified as (filename, F, SigF)
- -r <ref> <phi_col>, --refmtz <ref> <phi_col>
MTZ containing isomorphous phases to be used. Specified as (filename, Phi).
- -a <alpha>, --alpha <alpha>
alpha value for computing difference map weights (default=0.0)
- -d <dmax>, --dmax <dmax>
If set, dmax to truncate difference map
- -o <outfile>, --outfile <outfile>
Output MTZ filename
Finding map peaks
Search an electron density map for peaks in the vicinity of a structure.
usage: rs.find_peaks [-h] -f STRUCTURE_FACTOR_KEY -p PHASE_KEY [-o CSV_OUT]
[--sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE] [--min-volume MIN_VOLUME]
[--min-score MIN_SCORE] [--min-peak MIN_PEAK]
[-d DISTANCE_CUTOFF] [--use-long-names]
mtz_file pdb_file
- mtz_file
- pdb_file
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -f <structure_factor_key>, --structure-factor-key <structure_factor_key>
column label of the structure factor you want to use.
- -p <phase_key>, --phase-key <phase_key>
column label of the phase you want to use.
- -o <csv_out>, --csv-out <csv_out>
output the report to a csv file
- -z <sigma_cutoff>, --sigma-cutoff <sigma_cutoff>
the z-score cutoff for voxels to be included in the peak search. the default is 1.5
- -w <weight_key>, --weight-key <weight_key>
column label of any weights you wish to apply to the map.
- --sample-rate <sample_rate>
change fft oversampling from the default (3).
- --min-volume <min_volume>
the minimum volume of peaks with default zero.
- --min-score <min_score>
the minimum score of peaks with default zero.
- --min-peak <min_peak>
the minimum peak value with default zero.
- -d <distance_cutoff>, --distance-cutoff <distance_cutoff>
the distance cutoff of nearest neighbor search with default of 4 angstroms.
- --use-long-names
use more verbose column names in the peak report.
Search an electron density map for peaks in the vicinity of a structure.
usage: rs.find_difference_peaks [-h] -f STRUCTURE_FACTOR_KEY -p PHASE_KEY
[--sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE]
[--min-volume MIN_VOLUME]
[--min-score MIN_SCORE] [--min-peak MIN_PEAK]
[-d DISTANCE_CUTOFF] [--use-long-names]
mtz_file pdb_file
- mtz_file
- pdb_file
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -f <structure_factor_key>, --structure-factor-key <structure_factor_key>
column label of the structure factor you want to use.
- -p <phase_key>, --phase-key <phase_key>
column label of the phase you want to use.
- -o <csv_out>, --csv-out <csv_out>
output the report to a csv file
- -z <sigma_cutoff>, --sigma-cutoff <sigma_cutoff>
the z-score cutoff for voxels to be included in the peak search. the default is 1.5
- -w <weight_key>, --weight-key <weight_key>
column label of any weights you wish to apply to the map.
- --sample-rate <sample_rate>
change fft oversampling from the default (3).
- --min-volume <min_volume>
the minimum volume of peaks with default zero.
- --min-score <min_score>
the minimum score of peaks with default zero.
- --min-peak <min_peak>
the minimum peak value with default zero.
- -d <distance_cutoff>, --distance-cutoff <distance_cutoff>
the distance cutoff of nearest neighbor search with default of 4 angstroms.
- --use-long-names
use more verbose column names in the peak report.