Building Documentation

The reciprocalspaceship documentation is built using sphinx. The documentation is automatically rebuilt upon any git push action to the main branch of the repo; however, it is also possible to build it locally in order to preview any changes.


There are a few additional dependencies that are needed to build the documentation. These can be installed by running the following command in your cloned (or forked) repository:

pip install -e .[dev]

Local Preview of Documentation

The documentation can then be built using the Makefile in the docs/ subdirectory:

cd docs
make html

The index.html of the documentation will then be found in docs/_build/, and can be viewed in any browser.

If you have a partial build of the documentation, or if you make a change to the reStructuredText (RST) templates, it may be necessary to remove the existing documentation files. This can be accomplished by running the following command in the docs/ subdirectory:

make clean

Pushing Changes to Documentation

The documentation is rebuilt by default upon any git push action to the main branch. This occurs when a Pull Request is merged into the master branch. As such, please feel free to propose changes to the documentation via a Pull Request. The changes will take place when the Pull Request is merged into the project repository.