Module meteor.utils

crystallographic helper functions


def assert_isomorphous(*, derivative: rs.DataSet, native: rs.DataSet) ‑> None
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def assert_isomorphous(*, derivative: rs.DataSet, native: rs.DataSet) -> None:
    if not native.is_isomorphous(derivative):
        msg = "`derivative` and `native` datasets are not similar enough; "
        msg += f"they have cell/spacegroup: {derivative.cell}/{native.cell} and "
        msg += f"{derivative.spacegroup}/{native.spacegroup} respectively"
        raise NotIsomorphousError(msg)
def average_phase_diff_in_degrees(array1: np.ndarray | rs.DataSeries, array2: np.ndarray | rs.DataSeries) ‑> float
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def average_phase_diff_in_degrees(
    array1: np.ndarray | rs.DataSeries, array2: np.ndarray | rs.DataSeries
) -> float:
    if isinstance(array1, rs.DataSeries) and isinstance(array2, rs.DataSeries):
        array1, array2 = filter_common_indices(array1, array2)

    if array1.shape != array2.shape:
        msg = f"inputs not same shape: {array1.shape} vs {array2.shape}"
        raise ShapeMismatchError(msg)

    phase1 = np.rad2deg(np.angle(array1))
    phase2 = np.rad2deg(np.angle(array2))

    diff = phase2 - phase1
    diff = (diff + 180) % 360 - 180

    return float(np.sum(np.abs(diff)) / float(
def canonicalize_amplitudes(dataset: rs.DataSet,
amplitude_column: str,
phase_column: str,
inplace: bool = False) ‑> reciprocalspaceship.dataset.DataSet | None
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def canonicalize_amplitudes(
    dataset: rs.DataSet,
    amplitude_column: str,
    phase_column: str,
    inplace: bool = False,
) -> rs.DataSet | None:
    if not inplace:
        dataset = dataset.copy()

    negative_amplitude_indices = dataset[amplitude_column] < 0.0
    dataset[amplitude_column] = np.abs(dataset[amplitude_column])
    dataset.loc[negative_amplitude_indices, phase_column] += 180.0

    dataset[phase_column] = canonicalize_phases(dataset[phase_column])

    if not inplace:
        return dataset
    return None
def cut_resolution(dataset: rs.DataSet,
low_resolution_limit: float | None = None,
high_resolution_limit: float | None = None) ‑> reciprocalspaceship.dataset.DataSet
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def cut_resolution(
    dataset: rs.DataSet,
    low_resolution_limit: float | None = None,
    high_resolution_limit: float | None = None,
) -> rs.DataSet:
    if (
        and low_resolution_limit
        and (high_resolution_limit >= low_resolution_limit)
        msg = f"requested highres >= lowres: {high_resolution_limit} >= {low_resolution_limit}"
        raise ResolutionCutOverlapError(msg)

    d_hkl = dataset.compute_dHKL()
    if isinstance(d_hkl, rs.DataSet):
        d_hkl = d_hkl["dHKL"]

    if low_resolution_limit:
        dataset = dataset.loc[(d_hkl <= low_resolution_limit)]
    if high_resolution_limit:
        dataset = dataset.loc[(d_hkl >= high_resolution_limit)]
    return dataset
def filter_common_indices(df1: rs.DataSet, df2: rs.DataSet) ‑> tuple[reciprocalspaceship.dataset.DataSet, reciprocalspaceship.dataset.DataSet]
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def filter_common_indices(df1: rs.DataSet, df2: rs.DataSet) -> tuple[rs.DataSet, rs.DataSet]:
    common_indices = df1.index.intersection(df2.index)
    df1_common = df1.loc[common_indices].copy()
    df2_common = df2.loc[common_indices].copy()
    if len(df1_common) == 0 or len(df2_common) == 0:
        msg = "cannot find any HKL incdices in common between `df1` and `df2`"
        raise IndexError(msg)
    return df1_common, df2_common
def numpy_array_to_map(array: np.ndarray, *, spacegroup: SpacegroupType, cell: CellType) ‑> gemmi.Ccp4Map
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def numpy_array_to_map(
    array: np.ndarray,
    spacegroup: SpacegroupType,
    cell: CellType,
) -> gemmi.Ccp4Map:
    ccp4_map = gemmi.Ccp4Map()
    ccp4_map.grid = gemmi.FloatGrid(array.astype(np.float32))

    if isinstance(cell, gemmi.UnitCell):
        ccp4_map.grid.unit_cell = cell

    if not isinstance(spacegroup, gemmi.SpaceGroup):
        spacegroup = gemmi.SpaceGroup(spacegroup)
    ccp4_map.grid.spacegroup = spacegroup

    return ccp4_map


class NotIsomorphousError (*args, **kwargs)
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class NotIsomorphousError(RuntimeError): ...

Unspecified run-time error.


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class ResolutionCutOverlapError (*args, **kwargs)
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class ResolutionCutOverlapError(ValueError): ...

Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).


  • builtins.ValueError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class ShapeMismatchError (*args, **kwargs)
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class ShapeMismatchError(Exception): ...

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException