Source code for laue_dials.diagnostics.diffgeolib

import gemmi
import numpy as np
import reciprocalspaceship as rs

This is just a place to stash useful functions and classes for diffraction geometry calculations

[docs] def indexing_rotation_tril(A): """ Convert the reciprocal space indexing matrix, A into the product of an orthogonal matrix U and a lower triangular matrix B Parameters ---------- A : np.array A 3x3 indexing matrix such that the scattering vector `S1-S0=Q=A@h` Returns ------- U : np.array An orthogonal 3x3 matrix B : np.array A 3x3 lower triangular matrix """ from scipy.linalg import rq # R is a "right" or upper triangular matrix # Q is an orthogonal (rotation) matrix # A = Q.T@R.T R, Q = rq(A.T) return Q.T, R.T
[docs] def normalize(A): """ Normalize the last dimension of an array by dividing by its L2 norm """ return A / np.linalg.norm(A, axis=-1)[..., None]
[docs] def hkl2ray(hkl, wavelength=None): """ Convert a miller index to the shortest member of its central ray. Optionally, adjust its wavelength accordingly. Parameters ---------- hkl : array `n x 3` array of miller indices. the dtype must be interpretable as an integeger wavelength : array (optional) length `n` array of wavelengths corresponding to each miller index Returns ------- reduced_hkl : array The miller index of the shortest vector on the same central ray as hkl reduced_wavelength : array (optional) The wavelengths corresponding to reduced_hkl """ gcd = np.gcd.reduce(hkl.astype(int), axis=-1) if wavelength is not None: return hkl / gcd[..., None], wavelength * gcd else: return hkl / gcd[..., None]
[docs] def is_ray_equivalent(hkl1, hkl2): """ Test for equivalency between two miller indices in a Laue experiment. Returns a boolean array for each of the `n` hkls in `hkl{1,2}`. """ return np.all(np.isclose(hkl2ray(hkl1), hkl2ray(hkl2)), axis=1)
[docs] def align_hkls(reference, target, spacegroup, anomalous=True): """ Use the point group operators in `spacegroup` to align target hkls to reference. Parameters ---------- reference : array n x 3 array of miller indices target : array n x 3 array of miller indices spacegroup : gemmi.Spacegroup The space group of reference/target. anomalous : bool(optional) If true, test Friedel symmetries too. Returns ------- aligned : array n x 3 array of miller indices equivalent to target """ aligned = target cc = -1.0 for op in spacegroup.operations(): aligned_ = rs.utils.apply_to_hkl(target, op) cc_mat = np.corrcoef(aligned_.T, reference.T) cc_ = np.trace(cc_mat[:3, 3:]) if cc_ > cc: aligned = aligned_ cc = cc_ if anomalous: for op in spacegroup.operations(): aligned_ = -rs.utils.apply_to_hkl(target, op) cc_mat = np.corrcoef(aligned_.T, reference.T) cc_ = np.trace(cc_mat[:3, 3:]) if cc_ > cc: aligned = aligned_ cc = cc_ return aligned
[docs] class Detector: def __init__(self, ax1, ax2, ori): """ This is a simple class to represent a detector panel. """ super().__init__() self.D = np.vstack( ( ax1, ax2, ori, ) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_inp_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """doesn't account for tilt yet""" for line in open(filename): if "Distance" in line: ddist = float(line.split()[1]) if "Center" in line: beam = np.array([float(line.split()[1]), float(line.split()[1])]) if "Pixel" in line: size = np.array([float(line.split()[1]), float(line.split()[1])]) ax1 = np.array([size[0], 0.0, 0.0]) ax2 = np.array([0.0, size[1], 0.0]) ori = np.array([-beam[0] * size[0], -beam[1] * size[1], ddist]) return cls(ax1, ax2, ori, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_expt_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """ Return a generator of Detector instances for each panel described in `filename` """ from dxtbx.model.experiment_list import ExperimentListFactory elist = ExperimentListFactory.from_json_file(filename) for detector in elist.detectors(): for panel in detector.iter_panels(): ori = np.array(panel.get_origin()) size = panel.get_pixel_size() ax1 = np.array(panel.get_fast_axis()) * size[0] ax2 = np.array(panel.get_slow_axis()) * size[1] yield cls(ax1, ax2, ori, **kwargs)
[docs] def pix2lab(self, xy, D=None): """Map xy to 3d coordinates in the lab frame in mm""" if D is None: D = self.D xy = np.pad(xy, ((0, 0), (0, 1)), constant_values=1.0) S1 = xy @ D return S1
[docs] def lab2pix(self, xyz, D=None): """Map 3d coordinates in the lab frame in mm to pixels""" if D is None: D = self.D Dinv = np.linalg.inv(D) return (xyz @ Dinv)[:, :2]
[docs] def s12pix(self, s1, D=None): """Project a scattered beam wavevector into pixel coordinates.""" if D is None: D = self.D Dinv = np.linalg.inv(D) xya = s1 @ Dinv xy = xya[:, :2] / xya[:, 2, None] return xy
[docs] def orthogonalization(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma): """Compute the orthogonalization matrix from cell params""" alpha, beta, gamma = ( np.pi * alpha / 180.0, np.pi * beta / 180.0, np.pi * gamma / 180.0, ) cosa = np.cos(alpha) cosb = np.cos(beta) cosg = np.cos(gamma) sing = np.sin(gamma) V = ( a * b * c * np.sqrt( 1.0 - cosa * cosa - cosb * cosb - cosg * cosg + 2 * cosa * cosb * cosg ) ) return np.array( [ [a, b * cosg, c * cosb], [0.0, b * sing, c * (cosa - cosb * cosg) / sing], [0.0, 0.0, V / a / b / sing], ], device=a.device, )
[docs] def mat_to_rot_xyz(R, deg=True): """Decompose a rotation matrix into euler angles""" if R[2, 0] < 1: if R[2, 0] > -1: rot_y = np.asin(-R[2, 0]) rot_z = np.atan2(R[1, 0], R[0, 0]) rot_x = np.atan2(R[2, 1], R[2, 2]) else: rot_y = np.pi / 2.0 rot_z = -np.atan2(-R[1, 2], R[1, 1]) rot_x = 0.0 else: rot_y = np.pi / 2.0 rot_z = np.atan2(-R[1, 2], R[1, 1]) rot_x = 0.0 if deg: rot_x = np.rad2deg(rot_x) rot_y = np.rad2deg(rot_y) rot_z = np.rad2deg(rot_z) return rot_x, rot_y, rot_z
[docs] def rot_xyz_to_mat(rot_x, rot_y, rot_z, deg=True): """Convert euler angles into a rotation matrix""" if deg: rot_x = np.deg2rad(rot_x) rot_y = np.deg2rad(rot_y) rot_z = np.deg2rad(rot_z) cx, sx = np.cos(rot_x), np.sin(rot_x) cy, sy = np.cos(rot_y), np.sin(rot_y) cz, sz = np.cos(rot_z), np.sin(rot_z) return np.array( [ [cy * cz, cz * sx * sy - cx * sz, cx * cz * sy + sx * sz], [cy * sz, cx * cz + sx * sy * sz, -cz * sx + cx * sy * sz], [-sy, cy * sx, cx * cy], ], device=rot_x.device, )
[docs] class LaueAssigner: """ An object to assign miller indices to a laue still. """ def __init__(self, s0, s1, cell, R, lam_min, lam_max, dmin, spacegroup="1"): """ Parameters ---------- s0 : array a 3 vector indicating the direction of the incoming beam wavevector. This can be any length, it will be unit normalized in the constructor. s1 : array n x 3 array indicating the direction of the scatterd beam wavevector. This can be any length, it will be unit normalized in the constructor. cell : iterable or gemmi.UnitCell A tuple or list of unit cell params (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) or a gemmi.UnitCell object R : array A 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to the crystal orientation for the frame. lam_min : float The lower end of the wavelength range of the beam. lam_max : float The upper end of the wavelength range of the beam. dmin : float The maximum resolution of the model spacegroup : gemmi.SpaceGroup (optional) Anything that the gemmi.SpaceGroup constructor understands. """ if not isinstance(cell, gemmi.UnitCell): cell = gemmi.UnitCell(*cell) self.cell = cell if not isinstance(spacegroup, gemmi.SpaceGroup): spacegroup = gemmi.SpaceGroup(spacegroup) self.spacegroup = spacegroup self.R = R self.lam_min = lam_min self.lam_max = lam_max self.dmin = dmin self.B = np.array(self.cell.fractionalization_matrix).T self.ewald_offset = None # self.s{0,1} are dynamically masked by their outlier status self.s0 = s0 / np.linalg.norm(s0) self._s1 = s1 / np.linalg.norm(s1, axis=-1)[:, None] self._qobs = self._s1 - self.s0 self._qpred = np.zeros_like(self._s1) self._H = np.zeros_like(self._s1) self._wav = np.zeros(len(self._H)) self._harmonics = np.zeros(len(self._s1), dtype=bool) self._inliers = np.ones(len(self._s1), dtype=bool) # Initialize the full reciprocal grid hmax, kmax, lmax = self.cell.get_hkl_limits(dmin) Hall = ( np.mgrid[ -hmax : hmax + 1 : 1.0, -kmax : kmax + 1 : 1.0, -lmax : lmax + 1 : 1.0, ] .reshape((3, -1)) .T ) Hall = Hall[np.any(Hall != 0, axis=1)] d = cell.calculate_d_array(Hall) Hall = Hall[d >= dmin] # Just remove any systematic absences in the space group Hall = Hall[~rs.utils.is_absent(Hall, self.spacegroup)] self.Hall = Hall @property def RB(self): return self.R @ self.B @property def s1(self): return self._s1[self._inliers] @property def qobs(self): return self._qobs[self._inliers] @property def qpred(self): return self._qpred[self._inliers] @property def H(self): return self._H[self._inliers] @property def wav(self): return self._wav[self._inliers] @property def harmonics(self): return self._harmonics[self._inliers] # <-- setters that operate on the currently inlying set
[docs] def set_qpred(self, qpred): self._qpred[self._inliers] = qpred
[docs] def set_H(self, H): self._H[self._inliers] = H self._H[~self._inliers] = 0.0
[docs] def set_wav(self, wav): self._wav[self._inliers] = wav self._wav[~self._inliers] = 0.0
[docs] def set_inliers(self, inliers): self._inliers[self._inliers] = inliers
[docs] def set_harmonics(self, harmonics): self._harmonics[self._inliers] = harmonics
# --> setters that operate on the currently inlying set
[docs] def reset_inliers(self): self._inliers = np.ones(len(self._inliers), dtype=bool)
[docs] def reject_outliers(self, nstd=10.0): """update the list of inliers""" from sklearn.covariance import MinCovDet X = np.concatenate((self.qobs, self.qpred * self.wav[:, None]), axis=-1) dist = MinCovDet().fit(X).dist_ self.set_inliers(dist <= nstd**2.0)
[docs] def assign(self): """ Assign miller indices to the inlier reflections This method will update: self.H -- miller indices self.wav -- wavelengths self.qpred -- predicted scattering vector """ # Generate the feasible set of reflections from the current geometry Hall = self.Hall qall = (self.RB @ Hall.T).T feasible = ( np.linalg.norm(qall + self.s0 / self.lam_min, axis=-1) < 1 / self.lam_min ) & (np.linalg.norm(qall + self.s0 / self.lam_max, axis=-1) > 1 / self.lam_max) Hall = Hall[feasible] qall = qall[feasible] # Keep track of harmonics in the feasible set TODO Raypred = hkl2ray(Hall) _, idx, counts = np.unique( Raypred, return_index=True, return_counts=True, axis=0 ) harmonics = counts > 1 # Remove harmonics from the feasible set Hall = Hall[idx] qall = qall[idx] dmat = rs.utils.angle_between(self.qobs[..., None, :], qall[None, ..., :]) cost = dmat from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment _, idx = linear_sum_assignment(cost) H = Hall[idx] qpred = qall[idx] harmonics = harmonics[idx] # Set all attributes to match the current assignment self.set_H(H) self.set_qpred(qpred) self.set_harmonics(harmonics) # wav_pred = -2.*(self.s0 * qpred).sum(-1) / (qpred*qpred).sum(-1) wav_obs = np.linalg.norm(self.qobs, axis=-1) / np.linalg.norm( self.qpred, axis=-1 ) self.set_wav(wav_obs)
[docs] def update_rotation(self): """Update the rotation matrix (self.R) based on the inlying refls""" from scipy.linalg import orthogonal_procrustes misset, _ = orthogonal_procrustes( self.qobs, self.qpred * self.wav[:, None], ) self.R = misset @ self.R
[docs] class LauePredictor: """ An object to predict spots given a Laue experiment. """ def __init__(self, s0, cell, R, lam_min, lam_max, dmin, spacegroup="1"): """ Parameters ---------- s0 : array a 3 vector indicating the direction of the incoming beam wavevector. This can be any length, it will be unit normalized in the constructor. cell : iterable or gemmi.UnitCell A tuple or list of unit cell params (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) or a gemmi.UnitCell object R : array A 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to the crystal orientation for the frame. lam_min : float The lower end of the wavelength range of the beam. lam_max : float The upper end of the wavelength range of the beam. dmin : float The maximum resolution of the model spacegroup : gemmi.SpaceGroup (optional) Anything that the gemmi.SpaceGroup constructor understands. """ if not isinstance(cell, gemmi.UnitCell): cell = gemmi.UnitCell(*cell) self.cell = cell if not isinstance(spacegroup, gemmi.SpaceGroup): spacegroup = gemmi.SpaceGroup(spacegroup) self.spacegroup = spacegroup self.R = R self.lam_min = lam_min self.lam_max = lam_max self.dmin = dmin self.B = np.array(self.cell.fractionalization_matrix).T # self.s{0,1} are dynamically masked by their outlier status self.s0 = s0 / np.linalg.norm(s0) # Initialize the full reciprocal grid hmax, kmax, lmax = self.cell.get_hkl_limits(dmin) Hall = ( np.mgrid[ -hmax : hmax + 1 : 1.0, -kmax : kmax + 1 : 1.0, -lmax : lmax + 1 : 1.0, ] .reshape((3, -1)) .T ) Hall = Hall[np.any(Hall != 0, axis=1)] d = cell.calculate_d_array(Hall) Hall = Hall[d >= dmin] self.Hall = Hall @property def RB(self): return self.R @ self.B
[docs] def predict_s1(self, delete_harmonics=False): """ Predicts all s1 vectors for all feasible spots given some resolution-dependent bandwidth This method provides: s1_pred -- predicted feasible s1 vectors lams -- the wavelengths (in Angstroms) associated with these s1 vectors qall -- the q vectors associated with these s1 vectors """ # Generate the feasible set of reflections from the current geometry Hall = self.Hall qall = (self.RB @ Hall.T).T feasible = ( np.linalg.norm(qall + self.s0 / self.lam_min, axis=-1) < 1 / self.lam_min ) & (np.linalg.norm(qall + self.s0 / self.lam_max, axis=-1) > 1 / self.lam_max) Hall = Hall[feasible] qall = qall[feasible] # Remove harmonics from the feasible set Raypred = hkl2ray(Hall) _, idx, counts = np.unique( Raypred, return_index=True, return_counts=True, axis=0 ) Hall = Hall[idx] # Remove duplicates qall = qall[idx] if delete_harmonics: idx = counts > 1 # Remove last harmonic Hall = Hall[idx] qall = qall[idx] # Filter reflections which do not satisfy the resolution-dependent bandwidth # TODO: Skip for now and implement this filtration later just to see -- we'll overpredict at high resolution # For each q, find the wavelength of the Ewald sphere it lies on lams = -2.0 * (self.s0 * qall).sum(-1) / (qall * qall).sum(-1) # Using this wavelength per q, generate s1 vectors s0 = self.s0[None, :] / lams[:, None] s1_pred = qall + s0 # Write s1 predictions return s1_pred, lams, qall, Hall