Source code for laue_dials.command_line.plot_wavelengths

#!/usr/bin/env python
This script histograms the wavelengths present in a reflection table.

import logging
import sys

import libtbx.phil
from dials.util import show_mail_handle_errors
from dials.util.options import (ArgumentParser,
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from laue_dials.utils.version import laue_version

# Print laue-dials + DIALS versions

logger = logging.getLogger("laue-dials.command_line.plot_wavelengths")

help_message = """
This script generates a histogram of the wavelengths present in a DIALS reflection table.

This program takes a DIALS reflection table that contains a wavelength
column and produces a histogram of the wavelengths present in the
reflection table.


    laue.plot_wavelengths [options] FILENAME.refl

# Set the phil scope
phil_scope = libtbx.phil.parse(

  show = True
    .type = bool
    .help = "Whether to display the generated histogram."

  save = False
    .type = bool
    .help = "Whether to save the generated histogram."

  output = "wavelengths.png"
    .type = str
    .help = "The filename for the generated histogram."

  refined_only = False
    .type = bool
    .help = "Only histogram wavelengths of refined reflections."

  n_bins = 30
    .type = int
    .help = "The number of bins to histogram wavelengths with."

  lam_min = None
    .type = int
    .help = "The lower limit for wavelength plot in Angstroms."

  lam_max = None
    .type = int
    .help = "The upper limit for wavelength plot in Angstroms."

  log = 'laue.plot_wavelengths.log'
    .type = str
    .help = "The log filename."


working_phil = phil_scope.fetch(sources=[phil_scope])

[docs] @show_mail_handle_errors() def run(args=None, *, phil=working_phil): """ Run the script to histogram the wavelengths present in a reflection table. Args: args (list): Command-line arguments. phil: The phil scope for the program. Returns: None """ # Parse arguments usage = "laue.plot_wavelengths [options] FILENAME.refl" parser = ArgumentParser( usage=usage, phil=working_phil, read_experiments=True, read_reflections=True, check_format=False, epilog=help_message, ) params, options = parser.parse_args(args=args, show_diff_phil=False) # Configure logging console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) fh = logging.FileHandler(params.log, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") loglevel = logging.INFO logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(console) logging.captureWarnings(True) warning_logger = logging.getLogger("py.warnings") warning_logger.addHandler(fh) warning_logger.addHandler(console) dials_logger = logging.getLogger("dials") dials_logger.addHandler(fh) dials_logger.addHandler(console) dxtbx_logger = logging.getLogger("dxtbx") dxtbx_logger.addHandler(fh) dxtbx_logger.addHandler(console) xfel_logger = logging.getLogger("xfel") xfel_logger.addHandler(fh) xfel_logger.addHandler(console) logger.setLevel(loglevel) dials_logger.setLevel(loglevel) dxtbx_logger.setLevel(loglevel) xfel_logger.setLevel(loglevel) fh.setLevel(loglevel) # Log diff phil diff_phil = parser.diff_phil.as_str() if diff_phil != "":"The following parameters have been modified:\n") # Load reflection data if not params.input.reflections: parser.print_help() return refls, _ = reflections_and_experiments_from_files( params.input.reflections, params.input.experiments ) refls = refls[0] # refls = flex.reflection_table.from_file(params.input.reflections) if params.refined_only: refls = if len(refls) == 0:"No reflections in table after filtering.") return # Read wavelengths try: lams = refls["wavelength"].as_numpy_array() except: "Wavelength data could not be read. Please check to ensure there is a populated wavelength column in the reflection table." ) return # Apply wavelength restrictions initial_count = len(lams) if params.lam_min is not None: lams = lams[lams >= params.lam_min] if params.lam_max is not None: lams = lams[lams <= params.lam_max] if initial_count != len(lams): "Wavelength restrictions have removed some reflections. Plot will not reflect entirety of the data." ) fig = plt.figure() plt.hist(lams, bins=params.n_bins) plt.title("Wavelength Spectrum") plt.xlabel("Wavelength (Angstroms)") plt.ylabel("Number of reflections") if fig.savefig(params.output) if
if __name__ == "__main__": run()