Source code for laue_dials.command_line.optimize_indexing

#!/usr/bin/env python
This script optimizes Miller indices and wavelengths jointly.

import logging
import sys
import time
from itertools import repeat
from multiprocessing import Pool

import libtbx.phil
import numpy as np
from dials.array_family import flex
from dials.array_family.flex import reflection_table
from dials.util import show_mail_handle_errors
from dials.util.options import (ArgumentParser,
from dxtbx.model import ExperimentList

from laue_dials.utils.version import laue_version

# Print laue-dials + DIALS versions

logger = logging.getLogger("laue-dials.command_line.optimize_indexing")

help_message = """
This script optimizes Miller indices and wavelengths jointly.

This program takes initial monochromatic estimates of the geometry in a
DIALS experiment list and reflection table, and optimizes the indexed
solution by allowing the wavelength to vary. Only Miller indices, s1
vectors, and wavelengths for scattered reflections are overwritten by
this program - all other geometry variables remain constant here.

The outputs are a pair of files (optimized.expt, optimized.refl), which
mimic the input files but with updated Miller indices, s1 vectors, and
wavelengths in the reflection table. Note that the experiment list is
unchanged entirely.


    laue.optimize_indexing [options] monochromatic.expt monochromatic.refl

# Set the phil scope
phil_scope = libtbx.phil.parse(

output {
  experiments = 'optimized.expt'
    .type = str
    .help = "The output experiment list filename."

  reflections = 'optimized.refl'
    .type = str
    .help = "The output reflection table filename."

  log = 'laue.optimize_indexing.log'
    .type = str
    .help = "The log filename."

geometry {
  unit_cell = None
    .type = floats(size=6)
    .help = "Target unit cell for indexing."

filter_spectrum = True
  .type = bool
  .help = Whether to remove reflections outside of the provided wavelength limits.

keep_unindexed = False
  .type = bool
  .help = Whether to keep unindexed reflections.

nproc = 1
  .type = int
  .help = Number of parallel processes to run.

n_macrocycles = 3
  .type = int(value_min=1)
  .help = "Number of macrocycles of index optimization to perform."

wavelengths {
  lam_min = None
    .type = float(value_min=0.1)
    .help = "Minimum wavelength for beam spectrum."
  lam_max = None
    .type = float(value_min=0.2)
    .help = "Maximum wavelength for beam spectrum."

reciprocal_grid {
  d_min = None
    .type = float(value_min=0.1)
    .help = "Minimum d-spacing for reflecting planes."


working_phil = phil_scope.fetch(sources=[phil_scope])

[docs] def index_image(params, refls, expts): """ Reindex the given image reflections and update the experiment geometry. Args: params (libtbx.phil.scope_extract): Program parameters. refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table): Reflection table for a single image. expts (dxtbx.model.ExperimentList): List of experiment objects. Returns: expts (dxtbx.model.experiment_list.ExperimentList): The optimized experiment list with updated crystal rotations. refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table): The optimized reflection table with updated wavelengths. """ import gemmi from cctbx.sgtbx import space_group from cctbx.uctbx import unit_cell from dials.array_family import flex from dxtbx.model import ExperimentList from laue_dials.algorithms.laue import LaueAssigner if type(expts) != ExperimentList: expts = ExperimentList([expts]) s0 = np.array(expts[0].beam.get_s0()) # Write to reflection file refls["wavelength"] = flex.double(len(refls)) refls["miller_index"] = flex.miller_index(len(refls)) refls["harmonics"] = flex.bool([False] * len(refls)) for i in range(len(expts.imagesets())): # Get experiment data from experiment objects experiment = expts[i] cryst = experiment.crystal spacegroup = gemmi.SpaceGroup( cryst.get_space_group().type().universal_hermann_mauguin_symbol() ) # Get reflections on this image idx = refls["id"] == int(experiment.identifier) subrefls = # Get unit cell params if params.geometry.unit_cell is not None: cell_params = params.geometry.unit_cell cell = gemmi.UnitCell(*cell_params) # Check compatibility with spacegroup if not cell.is_compatible_with_spacegroup(spacegroup): logger.warning( f"WARNING: User-provided unit cell is incompatible with crystal space group on image {i}. Using crystal unit cell instead." ) cell_params = cryst.get_unit_cell().parameters() cell = gemmi.UnitCell(*cell_params) else: cell_params = cryst.get_unit_cell().parameters() cell = gemmi.UnitCell(*cell_params) # Generate s vectors s1 = subrefls["s1"].as_numpy_array() # Get U matrix U = np.asarray(cryst.get_U()).reshape(3, 3) # Generate assigner object"Reindexing image {experiment.identifier}.") la = LaueAssigner( s0, s1, cell, U, params.wavelengths.lam_min, params.wavelengths.lam_max, params.reciprocal_grid.d_min, spacegroup, ) # Optimize Miller indices la.assign() for j in range(params.n_macrocycles): la.reset_inliers() la.update_rotation() la.assign() la.reject_outliers() la.update_rotation() la.assign() # Update s1 based on new wavelengths s1[la._inliers] = la.s1 / la.wav[:, None] # Reset crystal parameters based on new geometry cryst.set_U(la.R.flatten()) cryst.set_A(la.RB.flatten()) cryst.set_B(la.B.flatten()) cryst.set_space_group(space_group(la.spacegroup.hall)) cryst.set_unit_cell(unit_cell(la.cell.parameters)) # Get wavelengths spot_wavelengths = np.asarray(la._wav.tolist()) # Write data to reflections refls["s1"].set_selected(idx, flex.vec3_double(s1)) refls["miller_index"].set_selected( idx, flex.miller_index(la._H.astype("int").tolist()), ) refls["harmonics"].set_selected( idx, flex.bool(la._harmonics.tolist()), ) refls["wavelength"].set_selected( idx, flex.double(spot_wavelengths), ) # Remove unindexed reflections if params.filter_spectrum: all_wavelengths = refls["wavelength"].as_numpy_array() keep = np.logical_and( all_wavelengths >= params.wavelengths.lam_min, all_wavelengths <= params.wavelengths.lam_max, ) refls = # Remove unindexed reflections if not params.keep_unindexed: all_wavelengths = refls["wavelength"].as_numpy_array() keep = all_wavelengths > 0 # Unindexed reflections assigned wavelength of 0 refls = # Return reindexed expts, refls return expts, refls
[docs] @show_mail_handle_errors() def run(args=None, *, phil=working_phil): """ Run the script to optimize Miller indices and wavelengths jointly. Args: args (list): Command-line arguments. phil: The phil scope for the program. Returns: None """ # Parse arguments usage = "laue.optimize_indexing [options] monochromatic.expt monochromatic.refl" parser = ArgumentParser( usage=usage, phil=phil, read_reflections=True, read_experiments=True, check_format=False, epilog=help_message, ) params, options = parser.parse_args(args=args, show_diff_phil=False) # Configure logging console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) fh = logging.FileHandler(params.output.log, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") loglevel = logging.INFO logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(console) logging.captureWarnings(True) warning_logger = logging.getLogger("py.warnings") warning_logger.addHandler(fh) warning_logger.addHandler(console) dials_logger = logging.getLogger("dials") dials_logger.addHandler(fh) dials_logger.addHandler(console) dxtbx_logger = logging.getLogger("dxtbx") dxtbx_logger.addHandler(fh) dxtbx_logger.addHandler(console) xfel_logger = logging.getLogger("xfel") xfel_logger.addHandler(fh) xfel_logger.addHandler(console) logger.setLevel(loglevel) dials_logger.setLevel(loglevel) dxtbx_logger.setLevel(loglevel) xfel_logger.setLevel(loglevel) fh.setLevel(loglevel) # Log diff phil diff_phil = parser.diff_phil.as_str() if diff_phil != "":"The following parameters have been modified:\n") # Print help if no input if not params.input.experiments or not params.input.reflections: parser.print_help() return reflections, experiments = reflections_and_experiments_from_files( params.input.reflections, params.input.experiments ) reflections = reflections[0] # Get reflection table out of list # Sanity checks if len(experiments) == 0: parser.print_help() return # Check for valid parameter values if params.reciprocal_grid.d_min == None:"Please provide a d_min.") return elif params.wavelengths.lam_min == None or params.wavelengths.lam_max == None: "Please provide upper and lower boundaries for the wavelength spectrum." ) return elif params.wavelengths.lam_min > params.wavelengths.lam_max:"Minimum wavelength cannot be greater than maximum wavelength.") return # Get initial time for process start_time = time.time() # This will populate ['s1'] & ['rlp'] columns reflections.centroid_px_to_mm(experiments) reflections.map_centroids_to_reciprocal_space(experiments) # Prepare parallel input ids = list(np.unique(reflections["id"]).astype(np.int32)) expts_arr = [] refls_arr = [] for i in ids: # Split DIALS objects into lists expts_arr.append(ExperimentList([experiments[i]])) refls_arr.append(["id"] == i)) inputs = list(zip(repeat(params), refls_arr, expts_arr)) # Reindex data num_processes = params.nproc"Reindexing images.") with Pool(processes=num_processes) as pool: output = pool.starmap(index_image, inputs, chunksize=1)"All images reindexed.") # Convert reindexed data to DIALS objects total_experiments = ExperimentList() total_reflections = reflection_table() for i in ids: total_experiments.extend(output[i][0]) total_reflections.extend(output[i][1]) # Give all unindexed experiments wavelength 0 hkls = np.asarray(total_reflections["miller_index"]) sel = np.all(hkls == [0, 0, 0], axis=1) lams = np.asarray(total_reflections["wavelength"]) lams[sel] = 0.0 total_reflections["wavelength"] = flex.double(lams) # Save experiments"Saving optimized experiments to %s", params.output.experiments) total_experiments.as_file(params.output.experiments) # Save reflections"Saving optimized reflections to %s", params.output.reflections) total_reflections.as_file(filename=params.output.reflections) # Final logs"") "Time Taken for Total Processing = %f seconds", time.time() - start_time )
if __name__ == "__main__": run()