Source code for laue_dials.command_line.integrate

#!/usr/bin/env python
This script generates integrated MTZ files from refined data with predictions

import logging
import sys
import time
from functools import partial
from itertools import repeat
from multiprocessing import Pool

import gemmi
import libtbx.phil
import numpy as np
import reciprocalspaceship as rs
from cctbx import sgtbx
from dials.array_family import flex
from dials.util import show_mail_handle_errors
from dials.util.options import (ArgumentParser,

from laue_dials.algorithms.integration import SegmentedImage
from laue_dials.utils.version import laue_version

# Print laue-dials + DIALS versions

logger = logging.getLogger("laue-dials.command_line.integrate")

help_message = """
This script generates integrated MTZ files from refined data with predictions.

The program takes a refined geometry experiment file along with a predicted
reflection table, and uses those to integrate intensities in the data set.
The output is an MTZ file containing integrated intensities suitable for
merging and scaling.

The algorithm applied here is a variable elliptical summation algorithm
inspired by the VariableElliptical mode in Precognition. Elliptical
profiles are modeled for each strong reflection, with weak reflections
using an average of the k nearest strong spots, and then the pixel
intensities within are summed to generate integrated intensities
per reflection.


    laue.integrate [options] poly_refined.expt predicted.refl

# Set the phil scope
phil_scope = libtbx.phil.parse(
output {
  filename = 'integrated.mtz'
    .type = str
    .help = "The output MTZ filename."

  log = 'laue.integrate.log'
    .type = str
    .help = "The log filename."

nproc = 1
  .type = int
  .help = "Number of parallel integrations to do"

isigi_cutoff = 2.0
  .type = float
  .help = "I/SIGI threshold to use for marking strong spots."

working_phil = phil_scope.fetch(sources=[phil_scope])

[docs] def get_refls_image(refls, img_id): """ Get the set of reflections lying on a particular image. Args: refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table): Reflection table. img_id (int): Image ID. Returns: refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table): Reflection table for the specified image. """ return["id"] == img_id)
[docs] def integrate_image(img_set, refls, isigi_cutoff): """ Integrate predicted spots on an image. Args: img_set (dxtbx_imageset_ext.Imageset): Image set. refls (dials.array_family.flex.reflection_table): Reflection table. isigi_cutoff (float): I/SIGI threshold. Returns: flex.reflection_table: Updated reflection table. """ img_num = refls["id"][0]"Integrating image {img_num}.") proctime = time.time() # Make SegmentedImage all_spots = refls["xyzcal.px"].as_numpy_array()[:, :2].astype("float32") pixels = img_set.get_raw_data(0)[0].as_numpy_array().astype("float32") sim = SegmentedImage(pixels, all_spots) # Get integrated reflections only refls = # Integrate reflections sim.integrate(isigi_cutoff) # Update reflection data i = np.zeros(len(refls)) sigi = np.zeros(len(refls)) bg = np.zeros(len(refls)) sigbg = np.zeros(len(refls)) profiles = sim.profiles.to_list() for j in range(len(refls)): prof = profiles[j] if prof.success: i[j] = prof.I sigi[j] = prof.SigI bg[j] = np.maximum((prof.background * prof.bg_mask), 0.0).sum() sigbg[j] = np.sqrt(np.maximum((prof.background * prof.bg_mask), 0.0)).sum() refls["intensity.sum.value"] = flex.double(i) refls["intensity.sum.variance"] = flex.double(sigi**2) refls["background.sum.value"] = flex.double(bg) refls["background.sum.variance"] = flex.double(sigbg**2) refls =["intensity.sum.value"] != 0)"Image {img_num} took {time.time() - proctime} seconds.") return refls # Updated reflection table
[docs] @show_mail_handle_errors() def run(args=None, *, phil=working_phil): """ Run the integration script with the specified command-line arguments. Args: args (list): Command-line arguments. phil: The phil scope for the program. Returns: None """ # Parse arguments usage = "laue.integrate [options] poly_refined.expt predicted.refl" parser = ArgumentParser( usage=usage, phil=phil, read_reflections=True, read_experiments=True, check_format=True, epilog=help_message, ) params, options = parser.parse_args(args=args, show_diff_phil=False) # Configure logging console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) fh = logging.FileHandler(params.output.log, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") loglevel = logging.INFO logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(console) logging.captureWarnings(True) warning_logger = logging.getLogger("py.warnings") warning_logger.addHandler(fh) warning_logger.addHandler(console) dials_logger = logging.getLogger("dials") dials_logger.addHandler(fh) dials_logger.addHandler(console) dxtbx_logger = logging.getLogger("dxtbx") dxtbx_logger.addHandler(fh) dxtbx_logger.addHandler(console) xfel_logger = logging.getLogger("xfel") xfel_logger.addHandler(fh) xfel_logger.addHandler(console) logger.setLevel(loglevel) dials_logger.setLevel(loglevel) dxtbx_logger.setLevel(loglevel) xfel_logger.setLevel(loglevel) fh.setLevel(loglevel) # Log diff phil diff_phil = parser.diff_phil.as_str() if diff_phil != "":"The following parameters have been modified:\n") # Print help if no input if not params.input.experiments or not params.input.reflections: parser.print_help() return # Load data reflections, expts = reflections_and_experiments_from_files( params.input.reflections, params.input.experiments ) preds = reflections[0] # Get predictions # Sanity checks if len(expts) == 0: parser.print_help() return # Get reflections and image data imagesets = expts.imagesets() ids = list(np.unique(preds["id"]).astype(np.int32)) get_refls = partial(get_refls_image, preds) tables = list(map(get_refls, ids)) inputs = list(zip(imagesets, tables, repeat(params.isigi_cutoff))) # Get initial time for process start_time = time.time() # Multiprocess integration num_processes = params.nproc"Starting integration.") with Pool(processes=num_processes) as pool: refls_arr = pool.starmap(integrate_image, inputs, chunksize=1)"Integration finished.") # Construct an integrated reflection table"Constructing reflection table") final_refls = flex.reflection_table() for refls in refls_arr: final_refls.extend(refls) refls = final_refls # Get data needed for MTZ file"Converting to MTZ format.") hkl = refls["miller_index"].as_vec3_double() cell = np.zeros(6) for crystal in expts.crystals(): cell += np.array(crystal.get_unit_cell().parameters()) / len(expts.crystals()) cell = gemmi.UnitCell(*cell) sginfo = expts.crystals()[0].get_space_group().info() symbol = sgtbx.space_group_symbols(sginfo.symbol_and_number().split("(")[0]) spacegroup = gemmi.SpaceGroup(symbol.universal_hermann_mauguin()) # Generate rs.DataSet to write to MTZ data = rs.DataSet( { "H": hkl.as_numpy_array()[:, 0].astype(np.int32), "K": hkl.as_numpy_array()[:, 1].astype(np.int32), "L": hkl.as_numpy_array()[:, 2].astype(np.int32), "BATCH": refls["id"].as_numpy_array() + 1, "I": refls["intensity.sum.value"].as_numpy_array(), "SIGI": refls["intensity.sum.variance"].as_numpy_array() ** 0.5, "xcal": refls["xyzcal.px"].as_numpy_array()[:, 0], "ycal": refls["xyzcal.px"].as_numpy_array()[:, 1], "wavelength": refls["wavelength"].as_numpy_array(), "BG": refls["background.sum.value"].as_numpy_array(), "SIGBG": refls["background.sum.variance"].as_numpy_array() ** 0.5, }, cell=cell, spacegroup=spacegroup, ).infer_mtz_dtypes() # Save reflections"Saving integrated reflections to %s", params.output.filename) data.write_mtz(params.output.filename, skip_problem_mtztypes=True) # Final logs"") "Time Taken for Total Processing = %f seconds", time.time() - start_time )
if __name__ == "__main__": run()